🎉 Now Live - Feature Reminders

announcement Feb 7, 2023

This month we're excited to launch our first feature that is meant to drive engagement with other existing features. Reminders are now live and are a part of shoutouts day, water cooler topics, and trivia. Let's take a quick look at what these reminders will look like!

Water Cooler Reminders

What the water cooler reminder that gets sent to individual employees will look like - helps them engage more with your conversation starters!

Water cooler reminders get sent to users directly via direct message from CultureBot – users have the option to opt out of receiving them after the first message. To enable water cooler reminders, go here on the CultureBot admin home page:

Shoutout Day Reminders

What the shoutout day reminder that gets sent to individual employees will look like - helps them send more appreciation with the team!

Shoutout day reminders are used in tandem with (you guessed it, shoutout days) and also get sent to users directly via direct message from CultureBot – users have the option to opt out of receiving them after the first message. To enable shoutout day reminders, visit the 'enable/disable shoutout day' button under the Shoutouts section of the CultureBot admin home page, then scroll down and see the section on 'Remind teammates via direct message':

Trivia Reminders

What the trivia reminder that gets sent to individual employees will look like - helps them partake in more trivia games with the rest of the team!

Trivia reminders also get sent to users directly via direct message from CultureBot (of course). Users (again) have the option to opt out of receiving them after the first message. To enable trivia reminders, visit the 'schedule recurring trivia' button/modal from the CultureBot admin home page (then scroll to the middle of that modal):


Oswald Reaves

A serial startup founder and entrepreneur, Oswald is a co-founder of the Slack-based employee experience and team engagement platform, CultureBot . Oswald is originally from North Carolina.