🎉 Now Live - Shoutouts Day

announcement Jan 23, 2023

We're thrilled to announce the launch of "Shoutouts Day" - a new feature now live inside CultureBot that allows you to configure a series of reminder messages to drive increased participation in the sharing of positive kudos and feedback with your team on a given day. Let's start with showing an example of how this all works...

1. When Shoutout Day Starts

The first message that will appear in Slack (fully customizable by the way) will look something like:

2. Shoutouts Start Coming...

Next, shoutouts should start rolling in. They'll look something like the below...

3. Middle of Shoutout Day Reminder

You'll have a special reminder in the middle of the work day to keep those shoutouts rolling.

4. End of Shoutout Day Alert

Lastly, some short period of time before the formal shoutout day is over, you'll want to send a final reminder for the team to share more feedback if they haven't done so already.

How to Setup a "Shoutout Day"...

Setting up a shoutout day is really quite easy... just scroll to the CultureBot home page on Slack and go down to the "enable shoutout day" button - click this.

  1. Enable Shoutout Day from the CultureBot homepage

2. Click to turn on Shoutout Day

Once here, you'll click the "turn on shoutout day" option. After you do this, simply choose a channel, day of week, and time of day to send you initial "kickoff" message (as seen above).

3. Setup the "Middle of Day" and "Almost Over" Messages

The final step in setting up a proper shoutout day is editing the time and message that gets sent both midday as well as right before the day is over. These two message will ensure you get as much participation as possible from the entire team.

That's it for this week's feature updates. We have some very exciting new features in the works to build on your already awesome team culture and can't wait to share more very soon!

~ Oswald & Amy


Oswald Reaves

Along with Amy Campbell

A serial startup founder and entrepreneur, Oswald is a co-founder of the Slack-based employee experience and team engagement platform, CultureBot . Oswald is originally from North Carolina.