New This Month! Custom Celebrations for Holidays & Awareness/Inclusion Days

announcement Dec 19, 2022

This month we bring to you an easy way to celebrate more than just birthdays and work anniversaries. Now you can celebrate any meaningful day of the year with CultureBot Custom Celebrations. Let's take a look at how to set these up inside of the tool, and what they look like below.

Setting Up Custom Celebrations  

  1. To begin, visit the Slack home tab of the CultureBot app and scroll down a bit from the top. You'll see a section called "Custom Celebrations" – check the box shown below and you'll be presented with the configuration options.
Check the 'click to configure sending of celebration messages' box to begin.

2. From here, you'll select a channel and time of day that you want the celebration messages to send on when the time comes. Next, click the "View/Add Celebrations" button. This will bring up the next screen...

This screen both lists out all of the custom celebrations you've setup so far, and allows you to create a new celebration by clicking 'Add Celebration'.

3. Click the 'Add Celebration' button to begin adding your custom day you want to share. This could be a holiday, or, it could be one of the suggested awareness/diversity & inclusion days that we've highlighted below – great for teams looking to bolster their team-building efforts. Just add a month/day, a name for your celebration, an image to include in the message, the message itself, and whether this day should be celebrated this year, next year, or every year!

CultureBot let's you create any celebration you want – but also provides a list of 12 common awareness/inclusion days to celebrate.

What does the Celebration Look Like?

When the special day(s) finally come, they'll pop right into the designated Slack channel of your choice.

The message on Celebration days are fully customizable.

Also New This Month

  • There is now an 'anonymous' option when sending shoutouts – this is great for team members who might want to share positive feedback in a sensitive/covert way!


Amy Campbell

A professional wizard with all things PeopleOps, Amy has been helping HR and People teams optimize their remote work setup and culture for over 10 years now. She's originally from California.